Thursday, April 14, 2011

My latest obsession....

I've been sewing for a long long time. So you can imagine that I have quite a stash of sewing goodies including fabric, buttons, zippers and such. But my latest obsession is sewing books and fun bag patterns. I'm not even going to embarrass myself and try to show you how many patterns I have "acquired" in recent months, but lets just say that if I made them all I probably wouldn't have to buy another bag for the rest of my life. I keep finding patterns I like better than the ones I haven't even made yet. What is up with that? When people would say that the Internet can be dangerous, I had no idea that this was what they were talking about. Makes me think about the line from the movie Silence of the Lambs where Hannibal asks Agent Starley, "How is it that we first come to covet?" and she answers "By what we see".


  1. i suffer from a pattern obsession myself. LOL

  2. i suffer from fabric and publication obsession. maybe we need to form a trading err i mean support group.

  3. Well you don't have a corner on that Market :) lol! I too suffer from the same obsessions. I am all for the trading umm support group!

  4. I'm with you Karen! Can never have too many patterns or books for inspiration!!

  5. Can I join the support group? I have the same obsessions too! I have tons of tutorials and patterns saved and or bookmarked on my computer. Of course I don't have enough time to make them all but it doesn't stop me from finding more patterns.

  6. Looks like we are forming a support group right here :)

  7. Hi Karen! I just wanted to let you know I LOVEEE all of your stuff :) I was already following your blog but ended up back here today because of the Star Trek peeps :) They are adorable, just as all the other cute things you make!
