Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 2 of Crafty Chicas Weekend!

NOTE: Please click on these photos to enlarge them so you can
truely appreciate the amazing details of these quilts!

After the most fabulous homemade breakfast at Amy's house, we headed off to
the Long Beach Convention Center for the International Quilt Festival.

One of my favorite booths at the show was Lazy Daisy Cottage! I love these fun bright prints and we met the fabric designer and her hubby. I wanted all of these fabrics, but I had to control myself, there was still so much more to see, so I walked away with one charm pack :)

How gorgeous is this? The center of the sunflower is all beaded by hand! Awesome!

This quilt was fun and colorful, but not really a favorite of mine,
but the 3 ladies in the photo are definately favorites :)

How cute is this quilt?
I am so in love with this fabric!
It's called Breath of Avignon and yes, I already own this fabric :)

Here's Amy and Denise at the American Jane booth.
I would have taken the entire booth home if  I could have.
Those are definately my colors!

I had to take a picture of this quilt for Regena :)
Isn't it cute?
Here's another picture of the Lazy Daisy Cottage booth.
The quilts and the fabrics are just soooo yummy!

This quilt pattern can be found HERE
I love love love this little quilt!
I mean seriously.....?

We stopped by Birdbrain Designs booth. (Remember the fabulous Perle Cotton bubbles?)
I picked up some more Perle Cotton and Amy and Regena
also picked up a few fun items they couldn't go home without!
The 2 sisters who own it were so sweet and helpful :)
Amy was having too much fun at the Bernina booth.
(Don't you just love Regena's smile?)
Here we are with our treasures in tow and our sore feet.
Happy and ready to head back to Amy's for pizza and some time to
drool over our purchases :)
This is what I came home with. Quilt batting, fat quarters,
 charm packs, yardage and some perle cottom.
Let the crafting begin!!!!


  1. You all look like you are having so much fun.
    My daughter would love the apron quilt and those snowman faces are my favorite. Looks like some good stash
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  2. I love seeing the four of you together! It looks like a great time! The quilts are amazing but I can't decide which I like best. The apron quilt and the snowman quilt are adorable but they're all beautiful! You bought some great goodies and fabrics.

  3. What a fun day!! It's great you all were able to meet up and spend this time with each other. Love the pictures, especially the 4 of you together.

  4. fantabulous indeed!!
    However......can I seriously be anymore dayglo?
    White hair, white skin, white shirt......LOL
    And I do love that corset quilt!!
    and i am stealing the group shot for my blog!! :-)

  5. That is such a darling snowman quilt! Simple and sew, sew cute!

  6. LOVE the Frosty quilt. How do I find the pattern???

  7. are you selling the snowman quilt and if so how much and what size...simply too cute for words.... :)

  8. Are u selling the snowman quilt? So love it!

  9. would you be interested in selling the pattern for the snowman quilt? My Aunt and I would LOVE to get our hands on that one! thanks!

  10. Interested in snowmen quilt pattern. do you have any for sale?

  11. I am also interested in the snowman quilt pattern for my mom. She's 85 and has made over 300 quilts. She's amazing.

  12. Where can I get the pattern. My Daughter and I love it

  13. are you coming to the Oklahoma quilt show in jan. 10,11,12,2014????
