Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Table for Two :)

A few weeks ago I made a fun reversible apron
for a new bride-to-be.
Now the wedding day is almost here
and I thought it would be fun to make 
matching placemats for their kitchen.

Now that I look at them
I want a pair of fun placemats for the hubs and me.........
but that's a project for another day.

I had fun making these.
I used a blanket stitch around the hearts 
and machine stitched around the lettering.

I hope they like them  :)


  1. Boy could they not like them? You totally outdid yourself and that is hard because all of your creations are 'thangs' of beauty!

    You inspire me in ways you will never know Obi Wan.

  2. oh how fab, I love the print and the fact they're Mr and Mrs just tops it off, great gift!

  3. Those are great! The happy couple will love them. Did you hand stitch around the hearts or machine?

  4. Well, this Mr and mrs would like them...awesome sauce

  5. They're fantastic. The couple are going to love them.

  6. They are too Cute! I want to make a pair for me too!

  7. I just had to pin it, I hope you don't mind, let me know if you do.
