Monday, May 21, 2012

It's Giveaway Day!!!

Today is Giveaway Day over at SewMama, Sew!
This is my first time participating
and I'm offering this apron that I made using
Moda's Freebird in chocolate brown
and Cosmo Cricket's Early Bird in salmon dots.
What a perfect way to say "Thank You"
to all my followers and readers!
I absolutely LOVE reading your comments
and it always brightens my day!!!

This giveway is open to everyone,
including my international readers
and you don't have to be a follower to enter
but if you are just let me know in a seperate comment
for a second chance to win! how can you win this?

Leave a comment on this post telling me a bit about yourself
and where you are from.
(I'm always so interested to know who my readers are :)

You have until May 25th to enter
and the winner will be chosen at random.
I will post the winner on the 26th.

That's it....easy peasy!
Make sure to jump over to SewMama, Sew and
check out the hundreds of other giveaways!
You can't win if you don't enter!


  1. Ooh, what a lovely pinny!
    I am a Brit, living in France and I need some encouragement to do a bit of housework. Maybe I could manage to flick a duster now and again in this glam get up!

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  2. I'm from Sydney and I wonder if my cooking will get any better with an apron on? I've always wanted an apron for myself too.

  3. What a cute apron! I'm from Canada, and I live in the Okanagan in British Columbia. I live with my hubby, 3 kids and many assorted pets.

  4. Hello! I am a portuguesa that reads you from Portugal. I changed the work life to be able to give further assistance domestic to my daughter. I love crafts and everything is done to hand!
    Loved to win this because I try an apron tutorial or a schema for a long time and can't find. The fabric is gorgeous!

  5. Hi Karen :-)! I would totally LOVE to win this beautiful apron. My name is Marcia. My best friend's name is Karen. My husband's name is Reginald and we have been happily married for 38 years. I am a grandma of 2; Moon Pie and Baby Bear. I LOVE to sew :-)!

  6. Hi Karen,
    I live in Southern California. This is my first time visiting your site and I love it. I love that you love Jesus and that you describe your husband as "hot" after 32 years of marriage. I too, think my hubby is hot after 24 years of marriage. Anyway, I would love to win this beautifully crafted apron to wear in my kitchen as I cook up something delicious for my family.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  7. Hi Karen~I LOVE the apron!! I am from Pennsylvania, USA! My hubby and I just celebrated our 30th anniversary. We have 6 kids and 9 grandkids and 1 more coming this July. We love Jesus too! Don't know what I'd do without Him!! :)

  8. This is DeeDee again. I forgot to add my email address in case I'm lucky enough to win.

  9. Great apron, thanks for the chance to win! I'm visiting from the Canadian prairies, where I've been living since the fall and learning to quilt to keep my mind off the cold.

  10. Love the apron! I'm a wife and mom who loves the Lord and is looking forward to having a big family (just one baby girl right now). Living in Tucson, Arizona for now, but we're up for adventure and wherever God wants to lead us!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    melissajpalmer at yahoo dot com

  11. Follower of your blog!

    melissajpalmer at yahoo dot com

  12. I follow your wonderful blog!

  13. I am from Ga. My name is Shana. I love to read, sew, crochet, and play with my 4 year old son Blaze. We have a miniature schnauzer named Bowzer Wowzer, no kidding. It rhymes I know. Thank you for the giveaway and I do hope I win. What a lovely apron.

  14. Hi Karen... Just first want to say that I love your blog and all your great sewing tutes... please keep them coming!

    I live in Sierra Vista, Arizona with my husband of almost 13 years, 5 cats and 1 puppy! We live outside of town on 4 acres and are absolutely loving it. I have only been sewing for a couple of years, but still consider myself a newbie, which is why I love finding tutorials like yours that aren't intimidating!

    Love this apron, would love to win it :)

  15. hi!
    I'm jen, and I live in Canada - and yes it does get COLD in the winter! We live in a small rural town but I hope to one day have a few acres outside of town

  16. I'm Jenny and I live in Finland. Right now I'm still a University student about to graduate. I love to bake and have a passion for Japanese culture.

  17. Hey! I'm Cynthia from NC, by trade a glass artist, creating one-of-a-kind beads using a torch. I started quilting last fall, with the help of my re-discovered friend, Freda. So far I've made 3 quilts and several mug rugs, and my current WIP is finishing up the first quilt I started, a Jacob's Ladder.

  18. This is charming! I would love to win!!!

    I am Amy, from Orlando, Florida. I love to sew for my kids, my friends and of course myself and my home. I blog at and have a few giveaways going on today, too. Would love to have you come enter.

    Love your blog!!!

  19. Gorgeous apron! The fabrics are fantastic.I'm a fan of your blog and I'm portuguese. I love quilting.

  20. I'm a follower of your lovely blog.

  21. My name is Regena and I am a omnivore, Aquarius and love me some aprons! Especially yours!

  22. I am from NC. What a beautiful apron. Lovely fabric selections.

  23. What a lovely apron--though I don't know if it would fit over my current baby bump! : ) I'm from the Dallas area and my sixth baby (first boy!) will be born in just under 2 months.

  24. sooo pretty.. I am from Indianapolis Indiana. The hoosier state says "hi"

  25. lovely apron! im in ny and i love to knit and all other kinds of things that have to do with yarn :) ...

  26. Darling apron...I'm crazy about Cosmo Cricket's Early Bird line. This is so perfectly retro!

    I'm a wife & mother of 3 girls from Southern California. I love sewing quilts, bags, just about anything except clothes which I haven't been brave enough to try yet. I have a blog called Fabric Mutt where I've been blogging since the end of last December. It's been a blast!

  27. What a lovely apron! Thanks for the giveaway.

    My name is Marie and I'm born and raised in New York City. I have actually lived in 2 of the 5 boroughs (Brooklyn and Manhattan) for 92% of my life.

  28. What a beautiful Apron, I am not sure if I'd be able to wear it cooking to get it dirty! hehe.. I am 30, and a mom to three! The youngest being a year old on Friday! *flails about* I live in a very small town in the high Sierra's of California, near Yosemite. I work online, listen to too much music, and love to dance! Thank you for this opportunity!

  29. Very cute. I live in New England right now.

  30. The apron is gorgeous, thanks for the giveaway. I live in a small village in Cornwall and work in the local school.
    If I'm lucky enough to win I'll give the apron to my younger daughter, she's 15 and loves to bake - the older one is 18 and mostly loves to wind me up ;D

  31. This is so super cute! I'm from Massachusetts and I'm a crafter - mostly paper and kind of crazy. Just say'n. jinglesells at gmail dot com

  32. Love the apron! I've been wanting one that is more fitted and doesn't look like a sack. I live in the Pacific Northwest, I have a five-year-old boy and a two-year-old girl, and I love to sew and craft.

  33. I'm a new follower!

  34. Who am I? I am a homeschooling quilter. I love your apron! I live in the Northwest US.

  35. Cute Apron!! I live in Pinedale, Wyoming, a beautiful little mountain town. I have five kids and have been homeschooling for 15 years. :)

  36. Love your apron, especially the color combination. I have been sewing forever and entered the quilting world about a year ago. I live in Northwest Indiana.

  37. wow such a great apron, will be perfect for me! a mom of triplets boys of 3years old, living in trois`-rivières, québec, canada

  38. My name is Ashley, I love cucumbers and coffee, and I currently live in Colorado, America but I call Japan home.

  39. What a sweet apron, I would LOVE to win it! I'm a mama of four little blessings, and live on the westcoast - enjoying some rain today :)

  40. I am a follower. Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. I am from Jackson, MN (small town).... I have lived here for 6+ years. Before that I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago.

  42. Beautiful apron!
    Let's see, I'm a retired archaeologist and avid quilter living in Arizona on the Colorado River (it's 110 far)

  43. Hi! I'm from Oregon and love crafting and supporting other crafters. Your work is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  44. Hi! I'm from Oregon and love crafting and supporting other crafters. Your work is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  45. oh I love aprons & wear them all the time! This one is darling! I'm checking in from Texas...

  46. OH MY GOD! This apron is so beautiful!!! I love aprons.........and I have a lot.......but not such a pretty one!!
    I`m from`m very far away. ;-))


  47. I love that apron. I am from England and my favourite things to sew at the moment are pincushions, I am just addicted to them. Fab giveaway.

  48. Beautiful apron! First time to your blog and I LOVE it! I became a "follower", lol! My name is Kyleen, I'm from Minnesota and love doing anything crafty. Been trying to get my own blog started with my crafting adventures but some health issues have been in the way. For now I'm inspired by others. Thank you for the chance to win and I look forward to visiting your blog in the future!

  49. Hi, Karen. I am in Houston and could really use an apron, but that one is almost too pretty to cook in. Thank you so much for generously offering this, and for sharing all that you do!
    (hrmaris at yahoo dot com)

  50. I'm D from Brussels, Illinois and I love your apron giveaway!

  51. I am from Montreal and live in northern California. I have just become an empty nester after 31 years. It is an adjustment! I started a blog to help with the transition and maybe open some new doors.
    Thanks for the give away :)

  52. Love that apron!
    I am new to your blog, but plan on spending more time here in the future! I am from Central Texas and am retired with hubby of 42 years and two cats to keep me company.

  53. Hi,
    Its me Anna, I believe we've met a few times;) I've tried sewing and I just can't do it lol. But I can do lots of other arts and crafts. I'm actually hope I win this so I can use it for when I paint. Of course if it will fit over the baby bump I'm sporting. I live in San Diego with my 2 girls, hubby and a lil guy due in July. I also have some adorable nephews and a beautiful lil niece I think, you might know. ;) Pick me! Lol.

  54. I'm from Los Angeles but I now live in Montana. I write books for a (partial) living and sew on the side. Oh, and I have the cutest toddlers in the history of man ;) Thanks for the chance!

  55. What a pretty blog you have created !!! I could not resist clicking on your Star Trek link ... you are so creative ... you get an idea, and you "make it sew!"

    thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.
    star trek fan
    northern virginia

  56. I just had to become a follower!

  57. What a sweet giveaway, that apron is just lovely. I'm from Oklahoma City and am a research scientist studying eye diseases and quilter.

  58. Hi! I'm from Poland and I'm coffee and books addicts :D

  59. Hey! I`m from Slovenia and I work in a kindergarten. I can use this cute apron for my work while i share lunch :)

  60. Hi there- my name is Jennie and I live in Washington State in the USA. I have 2 kids and 2 cats and they all happen to be male. My sewing is VERY basic so I would love to win this apron because I know I can't make it and I know I would wear it (I wear one nearly every day!) Thanks for the giveaway!

  61. What a lovely apron! I'm glad I found your link.

    I'm a New Zealander, living in Dallas (TX) while my hubby does his PhD in Christian ethics. I have 2 boys (2yrs and 6mths) so I work full-time at home as a mom/mum! I love to cook and bake, and feminine aprons just help me feel beautiful in the midst of a messy kitchen. :o)

  62. Just became a follower, too! :)

  63. Oh how lovely!
    I grew up in the Santa Clarita Valley, Specifically Saugus, right by Six Flags. After I was married last year we moved to Orange, and then Anaheim. I can see the Disneyland Fireworks from my appartment! I am the 2nd of 6 children and have been sewing for as long as I can remember!

  64. Hi! I'm in a college town in the Appalachian mountains. I have 2 little boys, a hubby, and a dog who is a disaster.

  65. Love the fabrics in that apron! I'm from Austin, Texas, but live in Bakersfield, California right now.

  66. Hi,

    I'm Jenny, I run The String Empire and I'm from London. At the moment I'm eating key lime pie. I love felt.

  67. Hello
    I'm from France!!!! What a lovely apron !!! Thank you for your blog, so cute too ! Bye

  68. Gorgeous work! I'm from Los Angeles, CA. I'm in my early 20's and recently got into the sewing/quilting world. I don't know how I lived without it because now I'm highly addicted.

  69. This apron is just perfect -- the the colors, the pattern design, the butterflies -- all just ideal for me or my daughter or ma belle fille (daughter-in-law).

    After shopping for an apron online and in shops for almost a week now, I had begun to imagine that I needed to actually try to make one myself. Now, I see there is a large community of wonderful seamstresses online.
    But I have not sewn more than a few stitches in so long . . . .

    I live with my husband and son in central coast California. I have spent most of my life reading.
    Now, I am hoping to do a better job around the house, keeping it comfortable and clean and lovely, cooking yummy nutritious meals, having more friends over to visit . . . seeking to enhance our joie de vivre.

    Oh, and I spill things.
    I need aprons to wear and to wash and to give!

    with wishes for peace and love,

  70. I'm from Iowa and am still a beginner at sewing but I'm having a fun time learning lots!

  71. Such a cute apron! I am an Air Force wife and mommy of two. I hail originally from Texas, but we're currently stationed on California's central coast.

  72. That's a beautiful apron! I'm from Texas and I just had a beautiful baby girl named Amelia. She's adorable and we're just loving our baby!

  73. Oooh, i love that butterfly print. I'm from Bath in the UK. Mummy to one, and one on the way. Tomorrow we're really looking forward to see the Olympic torch go past our house! How cool is that!!!

  74. I'm a Canadian living in Finland. I almost always wear an apron when I'm cooking.

  75. I was born in VA but now reside in sunny FL. I love to quilt and read. And I love to read blogs!!!!

  76. This is adorable!...and if were to win I would wear it and cook in style!

  77. My name is Marilyn and I'm from California. I love cooking and would really enjoy wearing your adorable apron. Thanks for the chance to win!

  78. Hi Karen! I'm a Crafty Chica :o), a black belt and am married with 3 boys, 1 grandson and 2 granddaughters. I have 3 dogs, a bird and a grand cat. I'm a Gemini and love long walks on the beach, pina coladas (not really), and gettin' caught in the rain....and I LOVE anything made by you!

  79. I'm a student, currently studying in Lancaster in the UK. I love to knit and bake in my spare time.

  80. hi my name is Sarah, and I woke up today with next to no voice. And it has been really hard to communicate with my kids today :)

  81. Beautiful giveaway! I am on a small farm in Ohio and went into town today to buy sandles with my little farm boys. What a crazy adventure!! Thanks!!!

  82. Gorgeous apron, wow! I'm a doll maker from Alberta, Canada. I have 2 little girls who are my entire world!

  83. I'm a new follower also, thank you!

  84. I live in upstate NY with my husband and two sons. I love to sew and we've been doing a whole lot of home renovation since being first time home owners for just under a year.

  85. I'm a wife of 13 years, mother of 2 and I live in NY! I work two different Part time jobs and am a full time home-maker. So it can sometimes be busy...but I love to sew. =)

    That apron is darling! I know I'd get compliments cooking here in that! =) Thank you.

  86. Gorgeous apron - it would look great here in Canada, near Toronto! ;) We're just closing down our first long weekend of the summer season, and it was a perfect one - shopping got done, gardens got gardened, and time was spent chatting with the neighbours - it was a perfect weekend :D

  87. i'm a student from ontario, canada. i am very geeky and i love knitting, sewing, baking and cooking. i'm very domestic!

    thanks for sharing. you can reach me at supersharmie at gmail dot com :)

  88. I am a follower!
    Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  89. I am a Christian wife and mother of 5- one boy and four girls! :) I cook and bake A LOT!!!


  90. Wow what a beautiful apron!! I love wearing one when I am cooking. I am from the Sunshine State of Florida :-)

  91. Cutest apron ever!! I am in LA, in sunny CA. Thanks so much for the chance!

  92. Hi, I was born in Dever, CO and love the mountains. I have lived in Catonment, FLall my adult life and miss the mountains. Thank you for a chance to win your very lovely apron.

  93. Hi! I ran across your apron over at sew mama sew and had to take a closer look. It's stunning! And what a wonderful blog you have! I'm a native Texan currently living in Boston (been here for 2 years on June 1). I love to knit and sew and explore the great outdoors. My email is comet_linear at yahoo dot com

  94. I'm from northeast Ohio where we are having beautiful sunny and hot weather! In four weeks I am going to Holden Beach NC for a family vacation and I can't wait!

  95. What a cute apron! It would sure brighten up my rainy day here in WA. ;-) Thanks for the chance!

  96. I'm from Georgia. I am a devout knitter who also dabbled in crochet. I have a puppy who can do so many tricks - it's impressive. And I am getting married THIS WEEKEND! So excited!
    abigail.lee {at}

  97. Wow, that is just the coolest apron ever! I'm currently typing this, sitting in my loungeroom in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (near the bottom of the world, brrr)

  98. Love the apron. Thanks for a lovely giveaway

  99. Am a follower to and forgot to say in previous post that I am from Gisborne New Zealand

  100. I love the apron! I'm from Alabama.

  101. I'm a college professor in Iowa with three little girls.

    **Very beautiful apron!

    steeplechaser29 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  102. What an adorable apron. I'm from the Chicago land area. My daughter is teaching me the joys of cooking. She's always liked to cook so much since she was a little one. Now she has her own little one and we really love cooking together when ever we get a chance. But she has a cuter apron then me :)

  103. I am checking in from Illinois. I love the apron's colors and retro vibe. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  104. This would be great to wear in the classroom on Cutting and Pasting days. I'm a third grade teacher living in Florida.

    anna [at] 64colorbox [dot] com

  105. I'm a high school biology teacher, mother of two boys (2 and 4 years) and just beginning my love of my sewing machine. I'm from NC.

  106. My name is Deb. I live in Elizabethtown, PA with my hubby. I have two wonderful children, a sweet daughter-in-love and three beautiful grandchildren. I love to sew. My husband and I travel as missionaries much of the year. Thank you for the sweet giveaway. The apron is lovely.

  107. Hi! I am a Pediatric RN originally from Dothan, Alabama! Thank you so much for the giveaway of the beautiful apron!

  108. oh yes! this Ala gal is a follower lol! I love that apron! count me in please!

  109. What amazing fabric! Love the apron! I am a mom of a 2 year old girl in Seattle and I love to sew and eat. Wish I could get someone to make food for me!

  110. The fabric is just darling, I would enjoy wearing that while baking in Saskatchewan, Canada.

  111. Love this apron! I just made my daughter one, so I would love to have one for me! Right now I'm in Nevada, but I spend time in Utah also. Two kids, two states :)

  112. darling apron! would love to give it to my dil when she moves into their new home soon. live in washington state thanks for the opportunity and have a great day

  113. Wonderful apron! I live in Minnesota, which truly is the land of 10,000 lakes. My small suburb has at least 6 of them and a large part of that area is a park reserve. I love riding my bike through there.

  114. I am a follower! Thank you for the chance to win this!

  115. Cute. I am a SAHM of three busy boys and wife to a funny man that keeps us laughing. I live in Utah. Thank you!

  116. I'm from the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada. I blog about sewing too - it keeps me sane!

  117. Lovely apron. I live in the U.S. and work for the government.

    rodlindafansler at gmail dot com

  118. First, thank you for not making us stand on our heads and rub our tummies to enter!! I LOVE this apron, the colors, the pattern, the shape and style. So that's one thing about me, I love and collect aprons. I live in NY, just outside NYC. I craft, but I can't sew at all! I love coming to new blogs, like yours and finding inspiration. Thank you for participating and for offering a beautiful prize.

    Have a great day!

  119. I am following you via GoogleFriendsConnect under my name Maureen H.

  120. Well hi. I am Alison. Mum to 2. I am reading your blog from Victoria, Australia. I am a frustrated crafter with big ideas and little time. Your apron is absolutely gorgeous. Thankyou for the chance.

  121. I'm a native Oregonian but have lived in Japan all my adult life, longer than I lived in Oregon, actually, but I still consider Oregon to be my home. I use aprons every day and yours is so feminine and fun. I'd be the envy of my neighborhood housewives if I was so lucky to win. Here in Japan ladies wear aprons all day long, even when they run down to the market!

  122. Well hello... I am Steph all the way from Sydney, Australia and I run the kids eco label MooBear Designs. Something else a little special is we are starting a not for profit organisation call The TreeHouse soon... hehe plug plug.

    xo Steph

  123. What a great apron. I love the colours....

    Thanks for the chance!

  124. I'm so pleased I found your blog! Your apron is gorgeous and I would so like to win it! I'm a New Zealander, married with a three year old daughter and a house full of animals.

  125. Very beautiful, I would be happy to win, thanks for the chance.

  126. Hi! Sissy from Texas here. Love the apron. Thank you.

  127. That is a beautiful apron! I love the fabric combination, it really stands out in a wonderful way. :)

    Thanks for the chance to enter your give away.

  128. Also following. :)

  129. I'm from NC and I love sewing and quilting and all sorts of crafts. Thanks for the chance to win!

  130. I'm from Melbourne, Australia and I love to make jewellery, sew and upcycle vintage finds. :)

  131. I'm a 43 yr old mom of a 2yr old gorgeous son. He, I, and his wonderful father live in IN with our pug and cat.

  132. I like you mini bio. I'm in Oregon and love to grow flowers.

  133. I'm an identical twin, grew up in KY.

  134. I've been a follower for a while now.

  135. That is one sexy apron! Thank you for a chance to win it :)

    I'm from Cape Town, but originally from Namibia. We are moving house in about 2 weeks and navigating around all the boxes and stuff is a daily adventure - hahaha. Thank goodness for the SMS giveaway week :)

  136. Might wanna leave the contact details; silly me...

    marilize (dot) paulsen (at) gmail (dot) com

  137. I can see myself wearing your Ooo-la-la apron. :-) I'm a messy cook without an apron, and I hail from Hollister, California--the actual town, not the store. Will it bother you to know that the beach is about 30-45 minutes away from us?

  138. I'm a Scot, my husband is Dutch and together we have two little Kiwi children. Love love love living in New Zealand.

  139. What a cute apron! I'm a SAHM and avid flower gardener living in western NY. I have a little blog at
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  140. Lovely apron! I am Loralynn and I'm from Michigan. I love to sew and read and am a stay at home mom with 4 children. I visit your blog all the time and love to see everything you come up with!

  141. Beautiful apron! I am a busy mom to 5 children who enjoys reading, crochet, running and more. I live in Northern Utah.

  142. Love the apron! I am a single girl just working and trying to figure things out. :) I am from Utah.

  143. I am from Nairobi, Kenya and I love sewing, card making and cooking.

  144. Sew cute!!! I'm a stay at home mom of four in Texas. I'm a quilter mainly but I love all things crafty.

    laura@polkadotzombie dot com

  145. I'm originally from Barcelona but I live in Ireland, and I'm over the moon now with my 3day old baby! thanks for the chance

  146. I am a single mom from Indiana currently looking for a job, but in the meantime keeping busy crafting, sewing and baking.

  147. Lovely apron! I am an identical twin, a mother of 2 boys, I met my husband 19 years ago TODAY, I work in college admissions, I live in Virginia now, but grew up mostly in Maine, I used to ride motorcycles (and will again once my kids are grown), I quilt, I read voraciously, I cook and do housework only grudgingly, I live on 7 acres on a dead end dirt road and we just got 4 chickens this weekend, I love to travel, but I love coming home and sitting on my porch and enjoying the view.

  148. I'm from Florida! I work full time and have two kiddos and one on the way. When the kids are sleeping, I love to sew and knit. It takes me forever to finish anything because it isn't much time, but I love it! And I'm thankful that my hubby does dishes :)

  149. I'm a 30-year-old mother to 2 boys (2.5 year old and a 3-month old) living in Metro Detroit. I'll be celebrating my 4th wedding anniversary in August. I've never owned an apron (true story)!

  150. I am from East Sussex in England and I only started sewing a couple of years ago when my son was born and I wanted to make him a banadana bib becaue they were so expensive to buy. Little did I know how much that bib would actually cost me... now I have a fabric obsession and I had to upgrade my sewing machine to cope!
    Love apron - it would be a dream to win it. xxxx

  151. I'm from Colorado and looking forward to a summer of sewing fun. Your apron is just beautiful!

  152. Oh this is a darling apron! I'm 44, live in Upper Michigan and have been married since last July to my sweet husband. We each have one daughter, and they both live with us, along with my daughter's 7-month-old son. I'm a homemaker, so I would have plenty of time to wear this beautiful apron after we get done with our remodel. :)
    Thank you for the chance to win!

  153. I am now following you via GFC! :)
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Jackie Reini

  154. Hi, I'm Amy from California... where it's already 80 degrees outside and only 10 am! I'm now a stay at home mom to my 2 year old and 6 month old girls, after being a teacher for almost 10 years. Thanks!

  155. I am from Indiana, and have been quilting for 12 years or so. This apron is gorgeous love the chocolate...would work well from me as most of my baking involves chocolate, lol!

  156. I just love this apron! So cute! I love your blog!

  157. Love the apron!! I'm from Vermont and live in a small house with my husband and two children. I do not have a space to sew so my "stuff" ends of taking over our eating area!

  158. I am from Mildmay, Ontario, Canada. A very small town. I work as an RN in a local rural hospital and I am the mother of 3 beautiful girls who I hope one day will carry on my love of crafting!

  159. that is so so cute!! I live in Ohio and have 2 little boys 2 frogs a cat and a dog :)


  160. The apron is so beautiful! My name is Lauren, I live in NE Minnesota. I work but am hoping to develop some extra income with some crafts. I just started blogging about a month ago and also love to meet new people! Your blog is awesome!

  161. Ninna Marni (Australian Aboriginal for Hello how are you) from the beautiful Adelaide Hills in South Australia where I live with 2 cats and 2 dogs and my DH Bob

  162. I'm from Illinois where I'm a stay-at-home mom to my little boy. :) And I use too many emoticons when I type. :)
    peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com

  163. I think it's an adorable apron! I love bright and colorful things but my friend happens to LOVE to cook! I am from the south:)

  164. I am Beth and I live on a farm in Virginia. We raise bees and grow apples. Love the apron!

  165. What a beautiful apron. I am a student from eastern Mass.

  166. I'm from northern California and fairly new to sewing. I've learned to sew through online tutes and blogs like yours so please keep it going!
    Your apron is beautiful so thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  167. I love it. I hope to win something.

  168. I am following you on pintrest.

  169. I am Rose from Wisconsin and I live with my husband and our son and 2 big dogs in our home in the capital city, Madison.

    Your apron is so lovely. Thank you for a great giveaway.

  170. This is beautiful!
    I'm typing from my little corner near the Smoky Mtn. in TN. I love it here! :)
    Thanks for the giveaway! I so need an apron and I seem to be the last on my sewing list....that I never seem to reach the end of either! ;)

  171. Been a follower for a while too. Thanks again! :)

  172. Hi! Thanks so much for doing this giveaway!

    I'm from Charleston, SC, but I've been going to school in central PA for the past few years. Just graduated~

    (and my email address is ettlinga (at) gmail (dot) com)

  173. Hello from Michigan - your apron is fabulous! thanks for doing the sew mama sew giveaway!

  174. i'm new to sewing. i was recently given my first sewing machine by my husbands grandmother. i love her. i live in texas

  175. feldhauss@alliancewildblue.comMay 22, 2012 at 5:56 PM

    This apron is so cute! I stumbled onto your blog, but boy am I glad to have found it here in South Dakota! Thank you!

  176. I'm a mom of 2. I teach 1 on 1 part time. And I love to sew in my quiet moments! I live in California :)

  177. my sis-in law would love this apron. She love to cook and those colors suit her. I live on the dry side of WA state

  178. I love the apron. I am a working Mom of 4. My husband and I work opposite shifts to maximize the time with our children.

  179. I'm from Washington State, USA and just finishing up my biology bachelors. I love the apron, by the way. Very cute. Thanks for the giveaway!

  180. love your giveaway! i need a new apron and love to wear them. i had birthday cake for breakfast, i'm from minnesota, love to garden, sew, cook, and receiving a postcard in the mail is one of my favorite things. thanks!

  181. What a gorgeous apron ~ I'd love to learn how to make one!! I am a midwife, living in the Canadian Arctic with my amazing husband and wonderful son. Thanks for the giveaway - very talented! atomkins2010(at)gmail(dot)com

  182. I just love that apron & I don't own an apron for some odd reason (must fix that if I don't win). I am from Newcastle, NSW Australia and I am a mummy of a 21 month old little girl, Amelia.

  183. What a great apron! I am from Tennessee and have three little ones with another on the I do lots of housework ;)

  184. What a beautiful apron! I keep meaning to make one myself, but it always gets pushed aside for another project. I am from Georgia, grew up there and in Tennessee, and currently live in Illinois.(dreaming daily of moving back South) Thanks for the giveaway!

  185. I'm from Canada, love anything with cheese, and love music.

  186. I am a stay at home momma of three beautiful and sometimes rotten girls!!! I live near Cleveland Ohio, where it's cold 10 months out of the year, and then blistering hot for the other two!

  187. I am a follower of your blog! Stacy Alfano

  188. Awesome!
    I'm in the Los Angeles area and newly obsessed with cute aprons after attending a bbq where all the servers had adorable aprons.

  189. So cute, I love to wear aprons when I cook.
    I'm in California and it's a hot one today.
