Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to "oven bake" your bread machine dough: A Tutorial :)

Scroll to the end of this post for the recipe I use :)

I've mentioned before that I found a wonderful bread machine at my local thrift store for 5 dollars. It was dusty and "schmutzy" but it cleaned up beautifully and works like a charm. I actually bake bread twice a week and we dont' buy sandwich bread at all any more. When I originally bought the machine, I added the ingredients and let the bread maker do it's magic. What is no so magical is the weird shaped "block" of bread you get with that obnoxious hole in the bottom. For those of you who know my wonderful hubby, you won't be surprised to hear that he was not a fan of the large square loafs of bread. I had to cut down 2 sides of every slice to make them more of a "normal" size piece of bread and the pieces at the end of the loaf with the hole from the paddle were also not that exciting. So I searched for online info on how to make the switch to oven baking. I found a great article and I've never looked back! Now my loafs are the right shape to make my hubby happy and there is no paddle hole :) I even read an article about a woman who made bread to give as gifts one year and accidentally gave away a loaf that still had the paddle inside it!
Now I use my bread maker for dough kneading and bake my loafs in my oven. Any loaf style bread can be made this way. Oven baked bread is much different that bread machine breads. The taste will be the same, but the texture and crust will be very different.

My beautiful and trusty bread maker!
It's not hard to do at all (or you know I wouldn't be doing it)
First, make your dough in the machine on the dough cycle.
While the dough is "working" in the machine, spray your bread pan with olive oil. ( I use a 10" by 5" bread pan for a 1 1/2 pound loaf) I found this great ceramic bread pan at the thrift store as well.
I use well floured parchment paper as my work surface to keep the dough from sticking and it makes clean up so much easier :)

After your machine beeps that the dough is ready, drop it out onto your floured parchment paper.
Punch the dough down, dusting with flour if needed to keep the dough from sticking to your hands. It's important to get all the air out of the dough or you could end up with large ugly air pockets in your loaf....and nobody wants that :) Once the dough is deflated, shape it into a flat rectangle.
Roll the dough up jelly roll style. You'll want it to be as long as your bread pan.
Place the dough with the seam down into your prepared pan. Cut a slit down the center of the loaf with a sharp knife about 1/2" deep, leaving about 1" uncut on each end.
Lightly spray the top of the loaf as well as the inside of the cling wrap with olive oil to prevent sticking when it rises. Loosely cover the loaf with cling wrap. (If you don't want to use cling wrap here, you can use a damp - but not wet - kitchen towel instead)
Place inside warm oven for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, close the door. I set my timer to 1 hour and check on it. Depending on the weather and the humidity sometimes it only takes an hour to rise, sometimes it takes 1 1/2 hours.
Once the bread has risen, take it out of the oven and carefully remove the cling wrap. Set oven temp to 350 degrees. When the oven reaches 350 degrees, bake the loaf for 30 minutes.
Remove your oh so yummy smelling bread from the oven and allow to sit for 10 minutes. (Try to control yourself and not pull off a huge chunk and slather with butter.......)

Remove from the pan and place on a rack to cool completely. You don't want soggy bread.
You should wait at least 30 minutes before you cut into your loaf. I cover mine with a clean kitchen towel and allow it to cool completely. I've left it this way overnight and it doesn't dry out. Always allow your bread to cool completely. Putting it away warm will cause it to sweat and get moldy.
In the beginning I used one of those slicing guides to make sure my slices were even, but I've been doing this for a while now and I don't use it anymore, but they are helpful.
And I have 2 of these and don't know what I'd do without them! They keep your bread fresh and wonderful. I've never had a moldy or dry bread using these guys. You can find them at for about 13.00.

This may seem like a lot of work, but it seriously only takes a few minutes and it's sooooo worth it! And if you are giving bread away as a gift, it looks so much prettier this way too!

The Recipe
Makes 1 1/2 pound loaf

2 tsp active dry yeast
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/2 cups bread flour
3/4 cup rye flour
2 tsp salt
1 tblsp butter
1 1/2 tblsp molassis
3 tblsp honey
1 cup warm water


  1. Well, no I am starving!!!
    Giving away her paddle foot? That is a move that I would pull for sure!! LOL

    1. Sew Much 2 Luv: How To "Oven Bake" Your Bread Machine Dough: A Tutorial :) >>>>> Download Now

      >>>>> Download Full

      Sew Much 2 Luv: How To "Oven Bake" Your Bread Machine Dough: A Tutorial :) >>>>> Download LINK

      >>>>> Download Now

      Sew Much 2 Luv: How To "Oven Bake" Your Bread Machine Dough: A Tutorial :) >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK QK

    2. Several years ago, I moved and gave away my bread machine. I kept missing it, though, and a few months ago I gifted myself with a compact one I can keep on the counter top of my small kitchen. It bakes perfectly and I’ve had fun experimenting a lot more this time around. I haven’t tried oven baking, but I just added it to this week’s to-do.

  2. sounds wonderful and I think I have to get my bread machine out again! Thanks for the tutorial.

  3. very nice. I don't have a bread machine but i have bread making on my list of "to do's"

  4. love my bread machine. I used to make fresh bread nearly everyday way back when. I was protesting that a loaf of bread cost *gasp* $1.29 and refused to pay. LOL Of course a 25lb of bread flour at costco was 3.00 bucks then.

  5. Looks delicious, I love bread! Of course it's one of the things I eat less of now that I try to eat healthy. So I'm just drooling over your pictures and thinking of how yummy it would be with some butter!

  6. Thanks, this really helped. The loaf I just finished per your instructions is so much better than in the breadmaker. That means the this one is only a little homely but so much tastier. The first one I made before reading your instructions was REALLY ugly. I'm hoping to work my way up to plain next, and eventually get to pretty. : ) Thanks again.

  7. Can you / would you share your bread recipe? I love homemade bread too!

  8. so has your dough risen in the machine before you take it out? or do you take it out before it gets to that point? approx. how long is your dough in the machine? < that maybe be a more helpful question as my dough setting is an hour- hour and a half.

  9. @Anonymous - when I set my machine to "dough" cycle it it 1 1/2 hours. As soon as the machine beeps that the dough cycle is done, I remove it. Hope that helps :)

  10. yes it does thank you!

  11. I need help with my bread, googled & your post is OH SO close but I still need (more) help...#1. Should this process/guideline work just the same using freshly milled flour or go I need to 'adjust'? What to adjust???
    #2. My bread machine's DOUGH CYCLE is 2 hours long with this breakdown:
    25 min prewarm
    2 min 1st knead
    23 min 2nd knead
    50 min 1st rise
    30 sec punch
    20 min 2nd rise
    Do I remove th dough after the complete dough cycle & follow your steps from there or

  12. Whoopsie-I ran outta space...
    (& I can't figure out how to post other than 'anonymous', sorry)
    Back to my question #2: Do I wait the 2 hours or should I interrupt the Dough Cycle cycle at another point in order to punch the dough & let it rise in the pan???
    I really hope you can help me.
    THANKS soooooo much!

  13. what is the plastic bread storer called. looked on but couldnt find it

  14. I couldn't find it at Walmart any more either. Maybe they stopped carrying it. Here's the link to Amazon.

  15. Could you please post the bread recipe so i could try it too? :)

  16. No bread recipe as of yet. I was hoping for one too as the one I tried following your directions about did not rise AT ALL in the machine so there was no air to get out. Thinking this loaf might not turn out. =(

  17. I just added my recipe for anyone who is interested.

  18. visiting from GYB Party. I too use my machine just for the dough. As soon as it rises for a bit in the machine I take it out and shape it for y pan and cover with a towel to rise. Bake as normal and so good. I am going to try your recipe. Love all the red accents in your kitchen.

  19. Using the bread recipe in the UK and converting to grams instead of cups brings the total flour content to "only" 375gms. (USA conversion chart).
    Looks to be on the low side to me to achieve the size of loaf described?
    Could you please confirm the weights - any unit would do.


    Souds good otherwise.

  20. What do you consider to be a warm oven? Also, if I don't have rye flour, can I use 1.5 cups of whole wheat flour instead? Thank You! I am very excited to try your method!

  21. In answer to the question about converting grams, you can go online and look for converting charts that can help with that. I've seen several different ones and perhaps you can find one that will work for you.

    In answer to the warm oven, I turn the oven on for just a minute or two and then turn it off. So it's warm, but not hot. And yes, you can substitute whole wheat flour. I've done that myself when I didn't have any rye flour in the house :)

  22. I think my heating element in the bread machine finally died, I've made bread for years in it... now I have a question though, the "heating oven" what do you mean by that?
    the drawer that underneath the oven? and how much do you set the oven for? also I think I want to make a larger loaf or maybe 2 at once?

  23. when you put the dough in the warm oven to rise, how warm is the oven? what temperature is it at?

    1. 100 degrees F is what my bread proof is on my oven.

    2. 100 degrees F is what my bread proof is on my oven.

  24. Just tried this, it made lovely bread. Thanks for sharing; I will be using my breadmaker more and more frequently because of this method.

  25. Thanks so much for this wonderful tutorial on how to make oven baked bread from bread machine. My bread turned out fabulous and it was so nice to be able to do it because of your blog. Also, I was able to print the written instructions from your blog with out the pictures with ease. Thank you!!!!!

  26. Success every time when I follow your instructions. Thanks!

  27. Guided by your instructions I used the machine on the DOUGH cycle (1 ½ hr). Pressed the dough and refolded it on itself and placed it in a Teflon bread pan which I had wiped with a paper towel lightly soaked with olive oil. Covered it with a dishtowel and put it in a warm oven for one hour. Raised perfectly. Used the same ingredients as yours except I used 3 cups of white flower and substituted the molasses and honey with 2 tablespoon of brown sugar. Baked it at 375 F for 30 minutes. Nice white bread. Thank you.

  28. Thanks for the instructions. My bread maker is relatively new, and does have the dough programme, but no information as to whether i should need it, or just bake it... your helpful article has answered my questions. Thanks from the UK. Elizabeth

  29. I have a Wilbelt Bread Machine. It has a manual dough setting, but it is only 55 minutes. Do I take the dough out and roll out and than roll up? Anyone have an answer for me. Help

  30. Is it necessary to run the entire dough cycle of the machine?

  31. Lora Brody and Julia Child had an episode where she put the dough into the refrigerator overnight and in the morning let it come to room temperature and rise and then baked it. Have you tried that?

    Thanks for your wonderful information!


  32. All I can is Bless You! This is by far the best info (pics included) that I have found on how to do this. Sadly my bread machine doesn't have a dough setting, but a knead setting prior to the rise. I am hoping that is the same thing. My dough is in the machine now. I'll let you know how it turns out. I promise to try your recipe soon!

  33. Yay! I did it and I thank you so much. The only problem I had is that it rose so much that it "mushroomed" over the sides. I think I am going to try and adjust for a 2 pound loaf and use 2 pans.

  34. Im trying to make dough with my Toastmaster breadmaker. My dough cycle is 1 hour 3 minutes. But I am concerned about the dough. When I took it out it was very heavy and not stretchy. Shouldnt it be stretchy at this point or not?

  35. I've tried this exact procedure and my bread never rose as beautiful and yours. When you say place in warm oven won't the bread cook? What temp do you set it at?

    1. 100 degrees F
      Or turn your oven on for a bit, thn turn it off before your bread goes in. If you Google how to do this you'll get exact instructions.

    2. 100 degrees F
      Or turn your oven on for a bit, thn turn it off before your bread goes in. If you Google how to do this you'll get exact instructions.

  36. Thank you!!! Best bread I have ever made, and probably the best I have ever had!!! I wish I could add a picture.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Thank you for helpful post! I have used your advices and this is what came out:

  39. I was delighted to find this post today! You have helped me in a most significant way. I've been thinking about ways to use my bread maker to make oven baked loaves. Amazing how searching the web can answer questions you never thought anyone else has had. :)

  40. Awesome post ! pretty.... I'll be more careful with those bread maker! at the restaurants, you know I always pick them up and turn them over to make sure!Thanks !

  41. Awesome post !I did not put anything on the strawberries to color them. The currant jelly that I apply gives it a glaze, it's more for its sweet flavor and to protect the strawberries...Thanks !

  42. Yes, punch it down after your bread cycle. Then roll it up as above, and allow it to rise one more time for 45-60 mins. Then bake. This blog saved my bread machine!!! I was about to give up and toss it!

  43. My bread dough setting goes for 2 hours but a bell rings after about 20 minutes. Then it spins for a few more minutes and then stops for a long time and starts up again. I assume that this is all the kneeding and rising I need isn't it? I mean, I have the same question here as someone else does I think. If I want to make roles for example, wouldn't I let it go through the entire 2 hour cycle, and then take it out, shape it, let it rise, and then bake it with no more punching?

    Also someone here mentioned that the paddle is always stuck in her bread. I saw one you tube article where they guy said to remove the paddle just before it starts to bake and this won't happen.

  44. PS. I think it rises and punches TWICE in the two hour period, so I believe that what Mahogany said was that you actually have to punch it again (a 3rd time) after removing it and then let it rise again before baking it in the oven if you want to cook it there. Is that right? Three punchings and risings (two by machine and one by hand) in total?

    But can bread not rise too many times before the yeast quits working?

  45. I have been using this method for a while now -- and my bread is always so good. My family hated the square bread as well. I found this blog in I guess December, and was going through my bookmarks to see what they all were (yes, I have mending to do!) and found this. I thought I'd mention that everyone in my house loves bread this way. I never realized, however, that Costco sells bread flour. Duh. I'll look. It should would be cheaper!

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  50. Well, I tried this today and I got two rock hard flat topped loaves of bread. I don't know what I did wrong. Maybe I left the oven on too long before putting them in for the last rising? and my dough came out really sticky from the breadmaker, is it supposed to be that way?

  51. How long should I bake a two pound loaf in the oven?


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  58. Been trying a dozen or so recipes in the last few months. The technique and recipe included here is the best by far. Awesome for sandwiches. I’ve found my perfect loaf!

  59. Hello! I stumbled across your post while looking for information on how to bake bread in the oven instead of in my bread machine and this was SUCH a helpful resource. Super appreciate the step-by-step photos and all the information you included! My loaf is in the oven right now and it looked angelic before going in, smells amazing now while it’s baking. Thanks again!

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